Reaction of cholesta-5,7-dien-3P-yl 2-tetrahydropyranyl ether with bromoform and potassium tert-butoxide gave 3',3'-dibromo-3',6~-dihydrocyclopropa[5,6]-5a-ch01est-7-en-3-yl 2-tetrahydropyranyl ether (lc), which on treatment with lithium aluminum hydride and water gave 5,8a-methano-5a-cholest-6-en-3P-y1 2-tetrahydropyranyl ether (2c). This has been converted to 3~-acetoxy-5,8a-methano-5a-cholestan-6-one (16c) and 3P-acetoxy-5,8a-methano-5a-cholestan-7-one (17c). A preliminary investigation of the photochemistry of 16c and 17c has shown that the incorporation of the bicyclo[2.2. Ilheptan-2-one system in the B ring of a steroid results in photoreactions of this system that are different from those observed in the case of simple bicyclo[2.2. Ilheptan-2-ones. Chem. 63, 2501Chem. 63, (1985. La reaction du tktrahydropyrannyloxy-2 cholestadi6ne-5,7 yle-3P avec le bromoforme et le tert-butylate de potassium conduit au tktrahydropyrannyloxy-2 dibromo-3,3' dihydro-3',6P cyclopropa[5,6] 5a-cholesttne-7 yle-3P (lc) qui, par traitement avec de I'hydrure double de lithium et d'aluminium et de I'eau, conduit au tktrahydropyrannyloxy-2 mkthano-5,8a 5a-cholest6ne-6 yle-3P (2c). Ce composk a kt6 transform6 en acktoxy-3P mkthano-5,8a 5a-cholestanone-6 (16c) et en acttoxy-3P mkthano-5,8a 5a-cholestanone-7 (17c In connection with our interest in bridged steroids (1, 2), we have extended the work of Nazer (3), who was the only previous worker to synthesize bridged steroids with a bicyclo[2.2. llheptane ring B system. In the earlier work ergosteryl ' tetrahydropyranyl ether was converted to its dibromocarbene adduct l a , and this and its dihydro derivative l b were converted to the bridged steroids 2a and 2b; the alcohol corresponding to 2b was epoxidized to 4b and this was converted to a mixture of diones 5b and 6b, which were not individually identified (Scheme 1). The a configuration was assigned to the one-carbon bridge of the bicyclo[2.2. llheptane systems on I spectroscopic and chemical grounds.Our work was carried out in the cholestane rather than the ergostane ~e r i e s .~ Cholesta-5,7-dien-3~-yl2-tetrahydropyranyl ether was treated with bromoform and potassium tert-butoxide to give a dibromocarbene adduct. As in the ergostane series, a single adduct was formed and this is assigned structure l c by analogy. We suggest that the high regio-and stereoseIectivity in these additions is explicable in terms of the interpretation by Moss and Smudin of selectivity in the addition of dihalocarbenes to steroidal and related olefins (4). In the case of a steroid 5,7-diene two types of addition are possible (Fig.