A measurement campaign
has been conducted both in a pilot-scale
pulverized fuel and in a pilot-scale circulating fluidized bed test
rig to evaluate the behavior of two different online corrosion sensors
during the co-combustion of straw with bituminous coal. The online
corrosion sensors based on the linear polarization method were equipped
with material rings of the alloy10CrMo9-10 and air-cooled to a material
temperature of 530 °C (PF) and 560 °C (CFB). They were implemented
at a flue gas temperature of approximately 750–800 °C
in both test rigs to simulate superheater tubes. The derived signals
were compared with flue gas measurements (O2, CO2, SO2, and HCl) as well as selected fine particle measurements
and deposit sampling during co-firing tests of 0, 10, 25, 40, 60,
and 100% straw with coal on an energy basis. Slight deviations between
the fuels tested in the different test rigs were observed. Main differences
were measured in the coal ash composition and chlorine content of
the straw. Online corrosion sensors reacted quickly to changes in
the blend composition. While no enhanced corrosion was detected during
the co-combustion of 10% and 25% straw, both sensors identified possible
corrosive processes on the metal surface during the 60% straw case.
The detected signal change could be correlated to an increased share
of chlorine in the fine particles (in the PF and the CFB test rigs)
and deposits (only in the CFB tests). Interestingly, a smaller signal
change was detected during the 40% straw case in the PF combustion,
in contrast to a larger signal gradient during the 40% case in the
CFB tests. Two reasons could be identified for this behavior: On the
one hand, the sensor used in the PF tests showed a lower sensitivity
due to a different design of the sensor head. On the other hand, a
significant amount of chlorine was detected in the aerosolic particles
in the CFB tests in contrast to no chlorine in the PF experiments
during this case. The known interaction mechanisms of alkali mitigation
during combustion of difficult fuels (sulfation and embedding in alumino-silicates),
which lead to a chlorine reduction in the fine particles, were investigated
thoroughly. It was found that sulfation might be more pronounced under
conditions typical of CFB systems.