We report on the synthesis and characterisation of the alkali metal 5, 5'‐bistetrazolate (BT2–) salts Li2BT (1), Na2BT (2), K2BT (3), Rb2BT (4) and Cs2BT (5) as well as the mono ammonium (9) and the mono (10) and bis(1‐ethyl‐3‐methylimidazolium) (11) salts of 5, 5'‐bistetrazole. The crystal structures of the hydrates of the alkali metal salts (1h–4h) and hydrate free (9) to (11) are presented. Additionally we present structures of the monocaesium 5, 5'‐bistetrazolate (6) and alternative modifications of the known salts barium (7h) and diammonium (8) 5, 5'‐bistetrazolate. Among the presented compounds are the first reversibly melting 5, 5'‐bistetrazolate salts (10, 11) and also the first ionic liquid on the basis of 5, 5'‐bistetrazole (11). All substances were investigated by NMR and IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and combined TGA/DSC measurements. Corresponding to our main motive, the evaluation of the coordination behaviour of 5, 5'‐bistetrazole, we give a short summary of the metal 5, 5'‐bistetrazole salts structurally characterised so far.