Since the diamine putrescine can be metabolized into the pyrrolidine ring of tobacco alkaloids as well as into the higher polyamines, we have investigated the quantitative relationship between putrescine and these metabolites in tobacco callus cultured in vitro. We measured levels of free and conjupted putrescine and spermidine, and pyrrolidine alkaloids, as well as activities of the putrescine-biosynthetic enzymes arginine and ornithine decarboxylase. In callus grown on high (11.5 micromolar) anaphthalene acetic acid, suboptimal for alkaloid biosynthesis, putrescine and spermidine conjugates were the main putrescine derivatives, while in callus grown on low (1.5 micromolar) a-naphthalene acetic acid, optimal for alkaloid formation, nornicotine and nicotine were the main putrescine derivatives. During callus development, a significant negative correlation was found between levels of perchloric acid-soluble putrescine conjugates and pyrrolidine alkaloids. The results suggest that bound putrescine can act as a pool for pyrrolidine alkaloid formation in systems where alkaloid biosynthesis is active. In addition, changes in arginine decarboxylase activity corresponding to increased alkaloid levels suggest a role for this enzyme in the overall biosynthesis of pyrrolidine alkaloids.Polyamines and their biosynthetic enzymes ADC3 (EC and ODC (EC may play an important role in many aspects of plant development including growth, differentiation, senescence, and response to stress (7). However, relatively little is known about their role in secondary plant metabolism. Putrescine is a precursor not only of PAs (7), but also of parts of important alkaloids such as the pyrrolidine rings of tobacco alkaloids (nicotine and nomicotine), tropane alkaloids (hyoscyamine, hyoscine, and meteloidine), pyrrolizidine alkaloids (retronecine), and possibly phenanthroindolizidines (tylophorine) (10). The putrescine-derived PAs (spermidine, homospermidine, and spermine) may be conjugated to cinnamic acids or to fatty acids, giving rise to other more complex alkaloids (18).PAs are present in the plant cell in both free and conjugated forms (19,20 been correlated with the onset of reproduction (4) and virus resistance (12), but not with alkaloid biosynthesis.Several publications support the view that auxin levels are involved in the regulation of nicotine production by tobacco callus cultures (22) and root cultures (21) as well as in the intact tobacco plant (25). Recently, we found (23) that the alkaloid level increased dramatically when tobacco callus grown on 11.5 ,gM NAA (suboptimal for alkaloid biosynthesis) was transferred to a medium containing 1.5 ;tM NAA (optimal for alkaloid biosynthesis). In the present study, we have used this experimental approach to investigate the relation between PAs (free and conjugated) and pyrrolidine alkaloids in tissues where alkaloid biosynthesis is active. The activities of ODC and ADC in relation to pyrrolidine alkaloid formation were also investigated.MATERIALS AND METHODS P...