Senecio alpinus (L.) SCOP. is very rich in alkaloids. The dried overground parts gave 0,45% crude alkaloid mixture. The main component is seneciphylline (1); small amounts of cristalline jacozine (4) could also be isolated. ‐ Senecio subalpinus KOCH gave 0,368% of crude alkaloid mixture. In contrast to former results only 0,1% of this was present in the form of N‐oxides. The bulk was a ca. 1 : 1 mixture of seneciphylline with senecionine (3). ‐ Senecio incanus L. subsp. carniolicus (WILLD) BRä.‐BL. gave 0,40% of crude alkaloid mixture; from this some pure seneciphylline could be isolated. ‐ In all three plants the presence of integerrimine (2) and other non‐identified alkaloids could be established by thin layer chromatography.