“…Yellow , 94.9 (C-8), 158.5 (C-9), 105.7 (C-10), 123.0 (C-1'), 114.7 (C-2'), 148.4 (C-3'), 150.9 (C-4'), 116.0 (C-5'), 123.8 (C-6'), 105.0 (C-1''), 73.1 (C-2''), 75.1 (C-3''), 70.1 (C-4''), 75.6 (C-5''), 67.5 (C-6''), 102.0 (C-1'''), 72.1 (C-2'''), 72.3 (C-3'''), 73.9 (C-4'''), 69.8 (C-5'''), 18.0 (C-6'''). Figure 1) were identified as aristolactam AII (1), 10 tyrosol (3), 11 p-hydroxybenzoic acid (4), 12 vanillic acid (5), 13 sodium aristolochate IIIa (6), sodium aristolochate IVa (7), 14 4,5-dioxodehydroasimilobine (8), 15 aristolochic acid II (9), aristolochic acid I (10), sodium aristolochate I (11), 14 sitosterol-3-Oβ-glucopyranoside (12), 11,16 glycerol (13), 17 uridine (14), 18 thalictoside (15), 19 icariside D2 (16), 20 adenosine (17), 21 thalictricoside (18), 22 kaempferol 3-O-β-robinobioside (19), 23 and isorhamnetin 3-O-βrobinobioside (20) 24 based on analyses of their MS, 1 H and 13 C NMR (including DEPT, gNOESY, 1 H-1 H gCOSY, gHMQC, gHMBC, and gNOESY) spectra and on comparisons of their spectrometric data with those reported in the literature. The substituent positions in the structures of these compounds were determined with the assistance of gNOESY and gHMBC experiments.…”