permeation into, and diffusive mass transport within, solvent-filled
metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) is critical in applications
such as MOF-based chemical catalysis of condensed-phase reactions.
In this work, we studied the entry from solution of a luminescent
probe molecule, 1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-4,4-difluoroboradiazaindacene
(BODIPY), into the 1D channel-type, zirconium-based MOF NU-1008 and
subsequent transport of the probe through the MOF. Measurements were
accomplished via in situ confocal fluorescence microscopy
of individual crystallites, where the evolution of the fluorescence
response from the crystallite was followed as functions of both time
and location within the crystallite. From the confocal data, intracrystalline
transport of BODIPY is well-described by one-dimensional diffusion
along the channel direction. Varying the chemical identity of the
solvent revealed an inverse dependence of probe-molecule diffusivity
on bulk-solvent viscosity, qualitatively consistent with expectations
from the Stokes–Einstein equation for molecular diffusion.
At a more quantitative level, however, measured diffusion coefficients
are about 100-fold smaller than expected from Stokes–Einstein,
pointing to substantial channel-confinement effects. Evaluation of
the confocal data also reveals a non-negligible mass transport resistance,
i.e., surface barrier, associated with the probe molecule leaving
the solution and permeating the exterior surface of the MOF. Permeation
by the probe entails displacement of solvent from the MOF channels.
The magnitude of the resistance increases with the size of the solvent
molecule. This work draws attention to the importance of MOF structure,
external-surface barriers, and solvent molecule identity to the overall
transport process in MOFs, which should assist in understanding the
performance of MOFs in applications such as condensed-phase heterogeneous