By applying voltage pulses to the sample rod while recording the spectrum, we show, for the first time, that it is possible to obtain a time-resolved XPS spectrum in the millisecond range. The Si 2p spectrum of a silicon sample containing a ca. 400-nm oxide layer displays a time-dependent charging shift of ca. 1.7 eV with respect to the Au 4f peaks of a gold metal strip in contact with the sample. When gold is deposited as C 12 -thiol-capped nanoclusters onto the same sample, this time the Au 4f peaks also display time-dependent charging behavior that is slightly different from that of the Si 2p peak. This charging/discharging is related to emptying/filling of the hole traps in the oxide layer by the stray electrons within the vacuum system guided by the external voltage pulses applied to the sample rod, which can be used to extract important parameter(s) related to the dielectric properties of surface structures.Charging/discharging is one of the fundamental processes dictating both the thermodynamics and the kinetics of the various physicochemical changes taking place on surfaces. 1 In addition to the standard electrical measurements, STM, AFM, and Kelvin probe techniques are widely used to elucidate the structural changes accompanying these processes. [2][3][4][5][6] When chemical information is also needed, XPS is usually the preferred spectroscopic technique because all elements, except for hydrogen, and their oxidation state(s) can easily be identified. 7 One of the disadvantages of the XPS technique is that additional positive charges are naturally introduced as a consequence of the photoemission process. These charges do not interfere with measurements when the surfaces are electrically conducting but can cause significant binding-energy shifts for poorly conducting samples. [8][9][10][11] Such charges are usually compensated by flooding the sample with low-energy electrons (or sometimes ions) and trying to bring the surfaces to a steady state in terms of electrons going in and out, but the complete elimination of charging is only an ideal. Surfaces can also be negatively charged if more electrons are introduced. This modification, dubbed controlled surface charging (CSC), has been successfully applied to depth profiling in the 1-10 nm range and/or to the lateral differentiation of mesoscopic layers. [12][13][14][15][16] However, prolonged exposure of the surfaces to intense low-energy electrons can cause physical and chemical damage. 9 It was even reported that the surface potential that developed from the added charging caused deintercalation in layered compounds. 17 Lau and co-workers have also utilized the CSC to extract structural and electrical properties of ultrathin dielectrics on semiconductors. [18][19][20][21][22] In a complementary study, we have recently reported that the positive charging developed on the SiO 2 /Si system can also be controlled simply by the application of an external bias to the sample rod to affect the measured binding-energy difference between the Si 4+ overlayer and the...