By passing appropriate dichloroalkanes, e.g. 1,l-dichloroethane, over a mixture of silicon and copper a t elevated temperatt~re, the new c o m p o~~n d s l,l-bistrichlorosilylethane, 1,2-bis-trichlorosilylpropa~~e, and 1,4-bis-trichlorosilylbutane and the previously reported bis-trichlorosilylnietharie, dichlorosilyltriclilorosilylmethane, a~~d 1,2-bis-trichlorosil ylethane were synthesized. Trichloromethane yielded perchlorodisilane; 2-chloropropane gave propene.By causi~tg the chlorosilylalkanes to react with lithium aluminum hydride, disilylmethane, 1,l-disilylethane, l,2-disilyletliane, and l,2-disilylpropane were synthesized..Several physical constants of the conipour~ds were measured.