CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Metabolic syndrome is characterized by clustering of cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance and arterial hypertension. The aim of this study was to estimate the probability of clustering and the combination pattern of three or more metabolic syndrome components in a rural Brazilian adult population. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in two rural communities located in the Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
METHODS:The sample was composed of 534 adults (both sexes). Waist circumference, blood pressure and demographic, lifestyle and biochemical characteristics were assessed. The prevalences of metabolic syndrome and its components were estimated using the definitions of the National Cholesterol Education Program -Adult Treatment Panel III. A binomial distribution equation was used to evaluate the probability of clustering of metabolic syndrome components. The statistical significance level was set at 5% (P < 0.05). RESULTS: Metabolic syndrome was more frequent among women (23.3%) than among men (6.5%). Clustering of three or more metabolic syndrome components was greater than expected by chance. The commonest combinations of three metabolic syndrome components were: hypertriglyceridemia + low levels of HDL-c + arterial hypertension and abdominal obesity + low levels of HDL-c + arterial hypertension; and of four metabolic syndrome components: abdominal obesity + hypertriglyceridemia + low levels of HDL-c + arterial hypertension.
CONCLUSION:The population studied presented high prevalence of metabolic syndrome among women and clustering of its components greater than expected by chance, suggesting that the combination pattern was non-random.
RESUMO CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO:A síndrome metabólica é caracterizada pela agregação de fatores de risco cardiovasculares como obesidade, dislipidemia, resistência à insulina, hiperinsulinemia, intolerância à glicose e hipertensão arterial. Este estudo objetivou estimar a probabilidade de agregação e o padrão de combinação de três ou mais componentes da síndrome metabólica em população rural adulta brasileira. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal, conduzido em duas comunidades rurais da região do Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída de 534 adultos, de ambos os sexos, dos quais foram aferidas a circunferência da cintura, a pressão arterial e características demográficas, do estilo de vida e bioquímicas. Prevalências da síndrome metabólica e seus componentes foram estimados usando a definição da National Cholesterol Education Program -Adult Treatment Panel III. A equação da distribuição binomial foi utilizada para avaliar a probabilidade de agregação dos componentes da síndrome metabólica. O nível de significância estatística estabelecido foi 5% (P < 0,05). RESULTADOS: Síndrome metabólica foi mais frequente em mulheres (23,3%) que homens (6,5%). A agregação de três ou mais componentes da síndrome meta...