1963iiients ; t o M r . Donald ;\litcham for x-ray diffraction iiieastirenients ; to AIr. J. J. Brown, bIr. E. C. Kingsbery, Mr. N. P. Roddy, antl bIr. 11. J. Uocage for weaving the fabrics and for assistancc in fabric dcsign ; to AIr. J. 11. ;\Iattliews antl AIr. James Franklin for assistance in slack mercerization processing. \ 199 L i t e r a t u r e Cited 1. Dickson, J. B.,
AbstractThe effects of cross-linking cotton stretch fabrics with dimethylol ethylencurea have been studied. Results are similar to those obtained with ordinary cotton; that is, the stretch cloth, after cross-linking, has wasli-u-ear antl \vrinkle resistance properties but loses in tearing antl breaking strength. The amount of add-on governs strength loss, and in practical use it must be balanced against the degree of wash-wear improvement desired.The effect of prolonged stretching on size antl on shape, measured as growth, is reduced by crosslinking, but washing is essential for recovery. Under conditions of repeated stretching without washing, pernianent set, imniediate recovery, and delayed resiliency are affected very little by cross-linking.Stretchability of the fain-ic is not greatly lowered by cross-linking.