Vacuum-gap Fabry-Pérot cavities are indispensable for the realization of frequency-stable lasers, with applications across a diverse range of scientific and industrial pursuits. However, making these cavity-based laser stabilization systems compact, portable, and rugged enough for use outside of controlled laboratory conditions has proven difficult. Here, we present a fibercoupled 1396 nm laser stabilization system requiring no free-space optics or alignment, built for a portable strontium optical lattice clock. Based on a 2 mL vacuum-gap Fabry-Pérot cavity, this system demonstrates thermal noise-limited performance and 1 × 10 −14 fractional frequency instability. Fiber-integrated optical components have been instrumental in both advancing the field of optics and leveraging those advances across disciplines to facilitate other fields of study. This portable system represents a major step towards making the frequency stability of cavity-based systems broadly accessible. Introduction. Portable sources of frequency-stable light are a critical tool for a growing range of applications, including portable optical clocks [1-3], low-noise microwave genera-42 nance of this cavity at the thermal noise limit and can remain 43 locked even when the system is in motion. By operating at a 44 point where the cavity length is first-order insensitive to temper-45 ature fluctuations, we achieve fractional instability approaching 46 1 × 10 −14 at 0.1 s, making this system a promising route towards 47 delivering ultrastable light outside of laboratory conditions.48 Methods. The cavity system presented here consists of three 49 main components: the 2 mL Fabry-Pérot optical cavity, the rigid 50 holding structure for the cavity and coupling optics, and the 51 custom vacuum enclosure. The optical properties of the Fabry-52 Pérot cavity at the core of the system are presented in Fig. 1. The analysis to calculate both the thermal expansion properties and 55 the thermal noise that an optical beam would experience for a 56 given design. To reduce the long-term thermal drift, the cav-57 ity was designed using all ULE glass, allowing for operation 58 at a temperature T zc where the effective coefficient of thermal 59 expansion (CTE) has a zero-crossing, making the length of the 60 optical axis first-order insensitive to changes in temperature. Fol-61 lowing the design process, the cavity was assembled by optical 62 contact bonding of two ULE mirror substrates to a 10 mm-long 63 ULE spacer. A photograph of the cavity is shown in Fig. 1b. 64 The mirror substrates were commercially coated using ion beam 65 sputtering to apply a dielectric quarter-wave stack, resulting in 66 high reflectivity near 1396 nm. This wavelength was chosen in 67 order to use this cavity to stabilize the spectroscopy laser of a 68 compact strontium lattice optical clock [16]. One of the mirror 69 substrates was flat, while the other had a single lithographically 70 fabricated micromirror at its center [15]. The micromirror had 71 a r...