How to cite this article:Kritzinger R, Meyer J, Burger J. Investigation of the power coupling of novel wavelength-selective couplers incorporating axially symmetric long-period fibre gratings. S Afr J Sci. 2011;107(5/6), Art. #400, 7 pages. doi:10.4102/sajs. v107i5/6.400 Evanescent-field coupling was studied experimentally in novel optical-fibre-based wavelengthselective couplers, using axially symmetric long-period fibre grating (LPFG) structures. The coupling characteristics of a wavelength-selective coupler at the resonant wavelength were investigated for different LPFG offset distances. It was shown that the wavelength-selective couplers effectively transferred light power at the LPFG resonant wavelength from one fibre to another. The performance of the couplers was consistent with simulations performed in MATLAB using coupled-mode theory.