In this paper, ultra-wideband RF/Microwave components fabricated using a low-cost aerosol-jet printing technology are demonstrated on a 50 µm thick Kapton film. The demonstrated RF/Microwave components include a fourstage Wilkinson power divider and a novel planar quad Archimedean spiral true-time delay line. The printed power divider has achieved a bandwidth of 2 to 20 GHz with typical 2 dB insertion loss, greater than 25 dB return loss, and better than 25 dB isolation performance across the majority of the band. The printed delay line has demonstrated 2 ns true time delay with excellent delay flatness across the entire band. The performances of the printed RF/Microwave components are comparable to those of semiconductor based monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC). Index Terms -Ultra-wideband RF/Microwave components, aerosol-jet printing, delay lines, power splitter.978-1-4799-5507-7/15/$31.00 © 2015 IEEE RWS 2015 200 μm pitch GSG Probe Pads Quad Archimedean Spiral TTD 50 μm thickness Kapton Substrate Delay (ns)