We study fixed points of scalar fields that transform in the bifundamental representation of O(N ) × O(M ) in 3 − dimensions, generalizing the classic tri-critical sextic vector model. In the limit where N is large but M is finite, we determine the complete beta function to order 1/N for arbitrary M . We find a rich collection of large N fixed points in d = 3, as well as fixed points in d = 3 − , that can be studied to all orders in the parameter ˆ = N . With the goal of defining a large-N non-supersymmetric CFT dominated by a web of planar diagrams, we also study fixed points in the "bifundamental" large N limit, in which M and N are both large, but the ratio M/N is held fixed. We find a unique infrared fixed point in d = 3 − , which we determine to order 2 . When M/N 1, we also find an ultraviolet fixed point in d = 3 and d = 3 − that merges with the infrared fixed point at ∼ O(M/N ).