Galactic neutron stars are a promising source of gravitational waves in the analysis band of detectors such as Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo. Previous searches for gravitational waves from neutron stars have focused on the detection of individual neutron stars, which are either nearby or highly nonspherical. Here, we consider the stochastic gravitational-wave signal arising from the ensemble of Galactic neutron stars. Using a population synthesis model, we estimate the single-sigma sensitivity of current and planned gravitational-wave observatories to average neutron star ellipticity ϵ as a function of the number of in-band Galactic neutron stars N tot . For the plausible case of N tot ≈ 53000, and assuming one year of observation time with colocated initial LIGO detectors, we find it to be σ ϵ ¼ 2.1 × 10 −7 , which is comparable to current bounds on some nearby neutron stars. (The current best 95% upper limits are ϵ ≲ 7 × 10 −8 .) It is unclear if Advanced LIGO can significantly improve on this sensitivity using spatially separated detectors. For the proposed Einstein Telescope, we estimate that σ ϵ ¼ 5.6 × 10 −10 . Finally, we show that stochastic measurements can be combined with measurements of individual neutron stars in order to estimate the number of in-band Galactic neutron stars. In this way, measurements of stochastic gravitational waves provide a complementary tool for studying Galactic neutron stars.