Psychological care of youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D) as well as type 2 diabetes (T2D) is covered. • Additional sections on the psychological assessment, communication, the health care team and psychological impact of technology are added 2 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 | Collaborative care • Psychosocial care should be integrated with collaborative, personcentered medical care and provided to all youth with diabetes and their families. A • Professionals with expertise in the mental health of children and adolescents are essential members of interdisciplinary diabetes health care team. B • Mental health professionals should be available to interact with youth and their families, and also to support the diabetes team in the recognition and management of mental health and behavior problems. C • It is preferable that mental health specialists who interact with children with diabetes have training in diabetes and its management. E 2.2 | Integrating psychosocial assessments in routine diabetes care • Age-appropriate and validated assessment tools should be routinely implemented in clinical practice to monitor and discuss