Numerous studies have tested for geographically congruent spatial
genetic structures and population units in codistributed species. Yet,
few have elucidated the relative importance of biogeographic influences
versus ecological interactions in determining the congruence of genetic
structure in coevolving species. Here, we present the first study
testing for genetic codifferentiation in a widely distributed and
highly-coevolved mutualism, in which symbiont gene dispersal is expected
to be positively correlated. In the fig, Ficus petiolaris, and
its host-specific Pegoscapus pollinating wasp, we evaluated the
extent to which geographical patterns of differentiation in each species
are similar and explained by shared sources of vicariance, co-dispersal,
or species-dependent factors. In both species, the Trans-Mexican
Volcanic Belt was a major source of vicariance differentiating southern
and northern phylogroups. Within these phylogroups, however, fig and
pollinator showed surprisingly different population genetic structure.
In F. petiolaris, the Gulf of California was a strong
phylogeographic break in the northern phylogroup. In contrast, within
its northern phylogroup, Pegoscapus sp. showed no genetic
structure and only weak isolation by distance over a 1500 km range. In
the southern phylogroup, exceptional genetic differentiation was
observed among populations separated by as little as 300 km. Despite
mutual selective pressure between figs and fig wasps, and the role of
fig wasps in fig gene flow, we conclude that range-wide patterns of
genetic differentiation are primarily influenced by biological features
unique to each species rather than by shared sources of vicariance or
correlated gene dispersal.