“…In embryo: AC, axial cell; BC, basal cell; COL, coleoptile; EP, embryo proper; P1, leaf stage 1; RAM, root apical meristem; SU, suspensor; SCU, scutellum; SAM, shoot apical meristem. Crops and heat stress references: rice—[1] (Chen et al, 2016); [2] (Dhatt et al, 2020); [3] (Folsom, Begcy, Hao, Wang, & Walia, 2014); [4] (Paul et al, 2020); [5] (Begcy, Sandhu, & Walia, 2018); tomato—[6] (Iwahori, 1966); bush bean—[7] (Ormrod, Woolley, Eaton, & Stobbe, 1967) [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]…”