Eye rubbing is an important risk factor for keratoconus progression. Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder, and approximately 50% of individuals with TS exhibit obsessive-compulsive behaviors including eye rubbing. We report the effects of corneal cross-linking (CXL) on the progression of keratoconus combined with psychiatric treatment for 3 patients with TS.
Patients’ concerns:
Three cases, 24-year-old male, 14-year-old male, and 17-year-old male, were all referred to our institute, due to decreased visual acuity.
All 3 patients were diagnosed with progressive keratoconus. They were found to rub their eyes, and were also diagnosed with TS by psychiatrists.
Upon diagnosis of keratoconus, we performed CXL on 1 eye of each patient.
After CXL, there was no further progression. Psychiatric medication was also required.
For patients with keratoconus caused by eye rubbing due to TS, CXL seems to be effective when done in association with psychiatric treatment.