The publication may also be distributed here under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license. More information can be found on the University of Groningen website: there to help me in any way possible and for allowing me to practice my Dutch with you! Also, many thanks to Ellie, Martine, Kim, Jenny, and Astrid.Many chapters of this thesis would not have been finished without the contributions of several people and institutions. Chapter 2 benefited from the generosity of Niklas Potrafke and the late Ansgar Belke for making their complete dataset available to me. Rasmus Wiese and Bram Gootjes contributed to Chapter 3, which also benefited from the excellent feedback received from the participants in the Second Ariel conference on The Political Economy of Public Policy held at Ariel University in Israel. Special thanks to Arye Hillman for organizing this event and to Charles Calomiris for very productive discussions about financial crises in developing countries. Chapter 3 is linked to a previous research paper by Juliette de Wit and Jakob de Haan. Juliette was a great coauthor and she was always eager to help me when things were not going according to plan. I enjoyed a lot working with her. Chapter 4 builds on research conducted together with Tjeerd Boonman while I was taking part in the Summer Internship Program at the General Directorate of Financial Stability of Banco de México. Thanks Tjeerd for sharing with me your vast knowledge of financial crises, for your guidance, and for your patience. I really look forward to working with you again. I also thank Dr. Alberto Romero of Banco de Mexico for giving me the opportunity to join such well renowned monetary institution and for his valuable comments on the research paper. I also need to thank