Turkeys were fed diets containing supplemental (2% to 6%) soybean oil, a blend of soybean oil and poultry fat, or poultry fat for 22 weeks. At 2 week intervals, beginning at week 12, two to four male and female turkeys fed each diet were processed. Source of fat did not affect total weight of parts, yield of visceral fat, or yield of breast, drumlthigh, wing, back, or neck for either sex. Total weight of parts, yield of visceral fat, and neck yield were affected by sex. Total weight of parts and visceral fat from both sexes, along with breast yield from toms increased over time; wing yield from both sexes and drumlthigh yield from males declined. Yields of breast and drumlthigh from hens along with back and neck from toms remained constant overtime. Neck yield from hens declined during weeks 12 through 16, then remained constant.