“…Also, as noted by previous repertoire studies (Dunlop et al, 2007; Fournet et al, 2015), whups appear similar to moans described by Thompson et al (1986). Although shared average parameters (i.e., peak frequency, start frequency, duration) of the five calls in the Newfoundland repertoire fall within similar ranges as these call types in other regions (see Table 3) and share similar visual characteristics on spectrograms, we cannot conclusively state that these call types are shared with other regions without direct, quantitative comparisons, as done in previous studies (e.g., Epp et al, 2021; Fournet et al, 2018c). For the same reasons, we cannot conclusively state whether the remaining eight call types described in this study are unique to the Newfoundland foraging grounds, or are simply variants of previously described calls.…”