“…Specifically, the 784 spectrotemporal sensitivity of the superior temporal gyrus (STG) has been linked to sensitivity to 785 phonetic features, such as voice onset time, place of articulation, and formant frequency (for a 786 review, see Leonard & Chang, 2014). Given functional and structural deviations in the STG 787 (Maisog, Einbinder, Flowers, Turkeltaub, & Eden, 2008;Paulesu et al, 2001;Simos et al, 2002;788 Steinbrink et al, 2008) and heightened sensitivity to phonetic features (e.g., Bogliotti et al, 789 2008;Noordenbos et al, 2013Noordenbos et al, , 2012aNoordenbos et al, , 2012bSerniclaes et al, 2004) …”