Passero CJ, Mueller GM, Myerburg MM, Carattino MD, Hughey RP, Kleyman TR. TMPRSS4-dependent activation of the epithelial sodium channel requires cleavage of the ␥-subunit distal to the furin cleavage site. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302: F1-F8, 2012. First published October 12, 2011 doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00330.2011.-The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is activated by a unique mechanism, whereby inhibitory tracts are released by proteolytic cleavage within the extracellular loops of two of its three homologous subunits. While cleavage by furin within the biosynthetic pathway releases one inhibitory tract from the ␣-subunit and moderately activates the channel, full activation through release of a second inhibitory tract from the ␥-subunit requires cleavage once by furin and then at a distal site by a second protease, such as prostasin, plasmin, or elastase. We now report that coexpression of mouse transmembrane protease serine 4 (TMPRSS4) with mouse ENaC in Xenopus oocytes was associated with a two-to threefold increase in channel activity and production of a unique ϳ70-kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment of the ␥-subunit, similar to the ϳ70-kDa ␥-subunit fragment that we previously observed with prostasin-dependent channel activation. TMPRSS4-dependent channel activation and production of the ϳ70-kDa fragment were partially blocked by mutation of the prostasin-dependent cleavage site (␥RKRK186QQQQ). Complete inhibition of TMPRSS4-dependent activation of ENaC and ␥-subunit cleavage was observed when three basic residues between the furin and prostasin cleavage sites were mutated (␥K173Q, ␥K175Q, and ␥R177Q), in addition to ␥RKRK186QQQQ. Mutation of the four basic residues associated with the furin cleavage site (␥RKRR143QQQQ) also prevented TMPRSS4-dependent channel activation. We conclude that TMPRSS4 primarily activates ENaC by cleaving basic residues within the tract ␥K173-K186 distal to the furin cleavage site, thereby releasing a previously defined key inhibitory tract encompassing ␥R158-F168 from the ␥-subunit.transmembrane protease serine 4; ion channels THE EPITHELIAL SODIUM CHANNEL (ENaC) is found in the apical membrane of high-resistance epithelia in a wide variety of tissues, including the colon, airway, and kidney. In particular, ENaC participates in the fine control of sodium and fluid balance in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (32,37,39). ENaC gain-of-function mutations are associated with hypertension, while loss-of-function mutations are associated with hypotension (39). ENaC activity is modulated by regulation of its intracellular membrane trafficking, binding of extracellular metals (including Na ϩ ) and Cl Ϫ , interaction of cytoplasmic domains with inositol phospholipids, Cys-palmitoylation of its cytoplasmic domains, and by a novel mechanism involving proteolytic release of inhibitory tracts from its extracellular domains (4, 13, 23-25, 33-35, 39).ENaC is composed of three structurally related subunits (␣, , and ␥) that contain intracellular amino-and carboxyltermini, two transmembrane ...