An exhaustive survey of the presently available experimental data on allowed beta decays with logft & 6.0 for A ) 228 nuclei results in identification of 30 transitions which are seen to obey the extended asymptotic quantum numbers selection rule A)V =0, bn3+b A=0,~h n3~& 2. All these transitions are seen to connect an up-spin (X = f ) proton in an N = n 3+4 = 6 Nilsson orbital and a down-spin (X= $) neutron, also in an N =n, +A=6 orbital. Two possible candidates for allowed unhindered decays are presented. Our analysis also reveals the first evidence for four-quasiparticle excitations in eveneven nuclei of the actinide region. PACS number(s): 23.40.Hc, 27.90.+b, 21.60.Ev Selection rules for the allowed unhindered (au) beta decays of strongly deformed odd-mass nuclei, derived by Alaga [1] in terms of the Nilsson model asymptotic quantum numbers Q [Nn3AX], require b,I =0, +1 (0~0) b, n. no; AQ=bI, AX=0, hn3=0, EA=O . The transitions, permitted by Eq. (1) but not by (2), are referred to as allowed hindered (ah). Mottelson and Nilsson [2] observed that the allowed transitions of odd-A rare earths separate clearly into these two groups