The scope of the dehydrative allylation reaction using allyl alcohol as allyl donor with [RuCp(PP)] + complexes as catalysts is explored. Aliphatic alcohols are successfully allylated with allyl alcohol or diallyl ether, obtaining high selectivity for the alkyl allyl ether. The reactivity of aliphatic alcohols is in the order of primary > secondary >> tertiary. The tertiary alcohol 1-adamantanol reacts extremely slowly in the absence of strong acid, but when HOTs is added, reasonable yields of 1-adamantyl allyl ether are obtained. The alkyl allyl ether is found to be the thermodynamically favored product over diallyl ether. Apart from alcohols, thiols and indole are also efficiently allylated, while aniline acts as a catalyst inhibitor. Allylation reactions with various substituted allylic alcohols give products with retention of the substitution pattern. It is proposed that a Ru(IV) σ -allyl species plays a key role in the mechanism of these allylation reactions.