As nearby neighbors to the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC) provide a unique opportunity to study star formation in the context of their galactic ecosystems. Thousands of young stellar objects (YSOs) have been characterized with large-scale Spitzer and Herschel surveys. In this paper, we present new near-IR spectroscopy of five high-mass YSOs in the LMC and one in the SMC. We detect multiple hydrogen recombination lines, as well as He i 2.058 µm, H 2 , [Fe ii], and [S iii] in these highly excited sources. We estimate the internal extinction of each source and find that it is highest for sources with the youngest evolutionary classifications. Using line ratios, we assess the dominant excitation mechanism in the three sources where we detect both H 2 2.12 µm and [Fe ii] 1.64 µm. In each case, photoexcitation dominates over shock excitation. Finally, we detect CO bandhead absorption in one of our LMC sources. While this feature is often associated with evolved stars, this object is likely young with strong PAH and fine-structure emission lines tracing an H ii region detected at longer wavelengths. Compared to high-mass YSOs in the Galaxy, our sources have higher bolometric and line luminosities, consistent with their selection as some of the brightest sources in the LMC and SMC.