Abstract. A search for long-lived, multi-charged particles is performed using the ATLAS detector. We examine pp collision-data taken during the 2011 LHC running, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.4 fb −1 . A search is made for charged particle tracks exhibiting anomalously high ionization consistent with stable massive particles with charges from |q| = 2e to |q| = 6e. For this search new variables of specific energy loss per path length (dE/dx) are developed and used in the candidate selection. No excess is observed with respect to the prediction of Standard Model processes. The 95% CL cross-section limits are interpreted as lower mass limits of 420-490 GeV for a simplified Drell-Yan production model.
IntroductionA search for stable massive particles carrying electric charges in the range of |q| = 2e to |q| = 6e [1] is performed with the ATLAS detector [2] at the LHC [3]. Motivation for this analysis arises from an unexploited search regime for particles with charges |q| = 2e to |q| = 5e [4]. The high masses and hence low values of βγ as well as the multiple charges imply high energy losses through interactions with the detector material. Consequently, the analysis follows a signature-based approach seeking out charged particle tracks showing anomalously high ionization losses in three ATLAS subdetectors of the inner tracking detectors and the muon system. An observation of such particles would be a clear indication for physics beyond the Standard Model. Theoretical motivation is given by models of almost commutative geometry [5] and minimal walking technicolor [6] predicting stable multi-charged particles. For the Monte Carlo production, a simplified DrellYan model without Z boson exchange is used to generate generic particle pairs of mass 50 to 600 GeV with electric charges |q| = 2e to |q| = 6e.
SelectionThe complete 2011 ATLAS dataset of proton-proton collisions recorded at √ s = 7 TeV is analyzed. Events are selected by a single muon trigger with p T > 18 GeV, which represents the lowest available p T threshold in 2011. The resulting data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.4 fb −1 . The analysis selects central muon signatures with a transverse momentum of at least 20 GeV in the inner tracking detector. Furthermore, tracks are selected that are produced close to the primary vertex and have sufficient measurements in the inner tracking detectors. a e-mail: Simone.Zimmermann@cern.ch
Energy loss estimatorsIn total, three different dE/dx measurements from two AT-LAS subdetectors in the inner detector, Pixel and TRT, and one in the muon system, MDT, are used in the analysis. The silicon Pixel detector is the innermost ATLAS subdetector and consists of ∼ 80 million pixels with the capability to measure directly the deposited charge in the detector. dE/dx is constructed from this charge measurement. The TRT and MDT are both gas detectors for which a dE/dx variable can be constructed from the direct detector readout. The TRT and MDT dE/dx variables are developed for this search.