Let f be an automorphism of a group G. For G polycyclic, Endimioni and Moravec in [1] discuss the relationship between the fixed-point set C G (f) and the commutator subgroup [G, f] of f in G. Here we extend these results to soluble groups satisfying various rank restrictions. Suppose f is an automorphism of the polycyclic group G. Endimioni and Moravec in [1] prove the following. i) If C G (f) is finite and f has order 2, then [G, f] H is finite. ii) If C G (f) is finite, then so is G=G; f]. iii) If jfj is finite, then so is the index (G : [G, f].C G (f)). Of course C G (f) denotes the set of fixed points of f in G, [G, f] = h g À1 :gf : g P Gi and [G, f] is a f-invariant normal subgroup of G. Here we generalize these results to groups with some sort of rank restriction. Generally our groups at least have finite Hirsch number and satisfy something weaker than the FAR condition. We must start by defining these terms. If a group G has a series of finite length each factor of which is either locally finite or infinite cyclic, then the number of infinite cyclic factors in such a series is an invariant of G, which we call the Hirsch number of G (it is also sometimes called the torsion-free rank of G). This is the weakest of the rank restrictions considered here. The structure of groups with finite Hirsch number is discussed in many places (e.g. see [3]). From our point of view the most convenient description of the structure of such a group is