We consider the focusing energy-critical quintic nonlinear wave equation in three dimensional Euclidean space. It is known that this equation admits a one-parameter family of radial stationary solutions, called solitons, which can be viewed as a curve inḢ s, for any s > 1/2. By randomizing radial initial data inḢ sfor s > 5/6, which also satisfy a certain weighted Sobolev condition, we produce with high probability a family of radial perturbations of the soliton which give rise to global forward-in-time solutions of the focusing nonlinear wave equation that scatter after subtracting a dynamically modulated soliton. Our proof relies on a new randomization procedure using distorted Fourier projections associated to the linearized operator around a fixed soliton. To our knowledge, this is the first long-time random data existence result for a focusing wave or dispersive equation on Euclidean space outside the small data regime.1.1. Statement of the main theorem and discussion of methods. We consider the stationary solutions φ a and we make the following ansatz:We take the scaling parameter a(t) to be time dependent, and as remarked in [40], this leads to analysis similar to modulation theory, but distinct since resonances are not associated with L 2 projections. The resonance ϕ a(t) := ∂ a φ a(t)from the definition of P ac , see (3.3) below, we see that the condition in the X s norm is weaker than requiring the same bounds for the function f itself. Moreover, this definition highlights the fact that the Lorentz condition will only be required for the low-frequency component, see (7.4).Let s ∈ R and definefor some ε < ε 0 , where ε 0 , C, c > 0 are determined in Theorem 1.5 below.Remark 1.3. In the case of finite energy initial data, the orthogonality conditionensures that the second variation of the energy restricted to a certain codimension one Lipschitz submanifold is non-negative at φ a , see the discussion following [40, Theorem 1]. Although this does not apply to our (infinite energy) initial data, more concretely, we use this condition to avoid growth when solving an ODE for the pure point component of the solution, see (7.12).