This report presents the analysis of the primary research conducted in Belgium for Work Package 4 (WP4) of the rEUsilience project. The report’s underpinning evidence was obtained through six focus groups conducted with 45 members of families in different parts of Belgium in March and June 2023. The research provides profound insights into the challenges facing families and how they seek to overcome these challenges. The increased cost of living was felt deeply by all participants. However, the adverse effects were disproportionately experienced by families on low income, families with migration backgrounds and lone-parent families. Limited financial capacities when combined with inadequate support systems led to mental pressures. The case of lone-parent families and their difficulties were pronounced across different groups. Feeling 'othered' became evident in lone migrant parents' narratives. The social protection system was perceived as complex with eligibility rules difficult to comprehend. Participating in the labour force through paid work was perceived as the key solution to generating income, supporting their families and easing the difficulties in making ends meet. However, this was particularly challenging for those who had young children. The mismatch between school hours and employment schedules was repeatedly mentioned across groups. Despite the desire and motivation the structure was not enabling these participants to start generating income by paid work. Despite the difficulties, people remained creative and applied a series of solutions to make ends meet. Budgeting and monitoring discounts in supermarkets were among the key practices. Memberships in poverty-focused associations provided them with a network of support. A critical tone was voiced towards the politicians and the current state of affairs in the country. Civil society organisations were prominent actors facilitating cohesion and support for those who are in need. Mirroring their needs, the desired policy changes they mentioned concerned enhanced childcare services and wider public transport networks, especially for those who were residing in remote areas.