SummaryThe primary role of alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT), encoded by the highly polymorphic SERPINA1 gene, is to protect the lung parenchyma from proteolysis by neutrophil elastase. AAT deficiency (AATD) is an autosomal recessive disease, considered as the most important genetic cause of liver disease in children and emphysema in adults. According to frequency, deficient alleles can be classified as »common« (Z and S) and »rare« (Mmalton, Mheerlen, Mprocida etc). Type, intensity and onset of clinical disease associated with AATD occur as a result of interaction between AATD and additional genetic and acquired factors (tobacco smoking, air pollution exposure etc). The most frequent clinical manifestations include premature emphysema, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Epidemiological studies highlight the need for improvement in diagnostic efficiency for AATD. It is recommended for a diagnostic approach to integrate precise, internationally recognized clinical criteria and a standardized laboratory protocol, based on a combination of biochemical and molecular methods. The predilection site of cli nical manifestations guides the therapeutic approach. Augmen tation therapy is possible in lung disease, while currently the only specific measure in patients with severe liver failure due to AATD is transplantation. In all patients, preventive measures, ammeliorating the deleterious effects of
Kratak sadr`ajPrimarna uloga alfa-1-antitripsina (AAT) jeste da za{titi plu}ni parenhim od proteolize dejstvom neutrofilne elastaze. Nje govu biosintezu kontroli{e izuzetno polimorfni gen SER-PINA1. Deficijencija AAT (AATD) jeste autozomalno recesivno oboljenje i smatra se naj~e{}im genetskim uzrokom obolje nja jetre kod dece i emfizema kod odraslih. Prema u~esta losti, deficijentni aleli se mogu podeliti na »~este« (Z i S) i »retke« (Mmalton, Mheerlen, Mprocida itd.). Za vrstu, intenzitet i vremenski period u kome se razvijaju klini~ke manifestacije smatra se odgovornim interakcija AATD i dodatnih genetskih i ste~enih faktora rizika (pu{enje, izlo `enost aero zaga|enju i sl.). Kod obolelih se naj~e{}e javljaju preuranjen emfizem, hroni~ni hepatitis, ciroza i hepatocelularni karcinom. Epidemiolo{ke studije nagla{avaju potrebu pove}anja dijagnosti~ke efikasnosti kod AATD. Preporu~uje se da dijagnosti~ki pristup integri{e precizne, me|unarodno identifikovane, klini~ke kriterijume i standardizovan laboratorijski protokol, zasnovan na biohemijskim i molekularno-biolo{kim metoda ma. Terapijski pristup zavisi od vrste klini~kih manifestacija. Kod pulmolo{kih bolesnika je mogu}e primeniti te rapiju na doknade, dok kod osoba sa terminalnom fa zom o{te}enja jetre uzrokovanog AATD transplantacija trenut no predstavlja jedinu specifi~nu terapiju. Kod svih oboNon-standard abbreviations: AATD, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency; AAT, alpha-1-antitrypsin; SERPIN, serine protease inhibitor; NE, neutrophil elastase; PR-3, proteinase 3; RCL, reactive center loop; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; MMP, matrix metaloproteinase; COPD, chron...