SUMMARY1. The effects of az-adrenoceptor stimulation on transmembrane potential, currents and ion fluxes were investigated in multicellular preparations and/or single cells obtained from the left atrium of rat hearts.2. In multicellular preparations, phenylephrine caused a concentration-dependent positive inotropic effect, an increase in action potential duration, and a decrease in resting potential; the effects were antagonized by phentolamine.3. In the presence of phenylephrine (100 ,umol/l), two levels of resting potential were observed when the preparations were, alternately, electrically stimulated or kept at rest (-74 +1 mV during activity and -62 + 4 mV at rest; means + S.E.M.; n = 9).4. In resting preparations, the depolarization in response to phenylephrine was eliminated in low-Na+ solution (12 mmol/l) and antagonized by tetrodotoxin (10 ,tmol/l).5. The phenylephrine-induced depolarization was also seen in nominally Ca2+-free solution and in the presence of (-)-devapamil (1 psmol/l). 11. In conclusion, we presume the following sequence of events in response to phenylephrine in rat atrial heart muscle. First, the stimulation of a,-adrenoceptors t To whom reprint requests and correspondence should be addressed.MS 7852