The current formulation of the candidate ceramic for plutonium immobilization consists primarily of pyrochlore, with smaller amounts of hafnium-zirconolite, rutile, and brannerite or perovskite. At a plutonium loading of 10.5 weight %, this ceramic would be made metamict (amorphous) by radiation damage resulting from alpha decay in a time much less than 10,000 years, the actual time depending on the repository temperature as a function of time.Based on previous experimental radiation damage work by others, it seems clear that this process would also result in a bulk volume increase (swelling) of about 6% for ceramic that was mechanically unconfined. For the candidate ceramic, which is made by cold pressing and sintering and has porosity amounting to somewhat more than this amount, it seems likely that this swelling would be accommodated by filling in the porosity, if the material were tightly confined mechanically by the waste package.Some ceramics have been observed to undergo microcracking as a result of radiation-induced anisotropic or differential swelling. It is unlikely that the candidate ceramic will microcrack extensively, for three reasons: (1) its phase composition is dominated by a single matrix mineral phase, pyrochlore, which has a cubic crystal structure and is thus not subject to anisotropic swelling; (2) the proportion of minor phases is small, minimizing potential cracking due to differential swelling; and (3) there is some flexibility in sintering process parameters that will allow limitation of the grain size, which can further limit stresses resulting from either cause.The metamictization process will convert the original, ordered titanium-oxygen polyhedral framework of the ceramic to an aperiodic, random network of corner-sharing polyhedra in which the titanium has a slightly lower average coordination number. When water in the repository eventually contacts the metamict ceramic, there will likely be leaching of a small amount of non-network ions (Ca, U, Gd, and Pu, in the order of decreasing expected release) from a thin layer at the surface, based on 2 studies by others on natural actinide-containing mineral analogs. The titanium-oxygen network in this thin surface layer will be transformed to anatase, and the long-term release behavior of the ceramic will likely then be governed by the behavior of this layer. In the mid-pH range, titanium oxide is known to be very insoluble in water. For example, the rutile form of titanium oxide has a measured solubility in water at room temperature between pH9 and pH10 of 1 0 -9 molal .Very limited experimental data by others suggests that the process of metamictization may increase the release rate of plutonium from the ceramic in contact with water by a factor of one to one and one-half orders of magnitude.Another reference point for long-term behavior is the observed condition of samples of uranium-and thorium-containing, high-titanium natural pyrochlores, which have been rendered metamict and have achieved measured ages up to a billion years. These ...