We present the real-time VME system used to detect and track MHD instabilities, and particularly Alfvén Eigenmodes, on the JET tokamak [J.Wesson, Tokamaks, 3 rd edition, (Oxford Science Publication, Oxford, 2003), p.617]. This system runs on a 1kHz clock cycle, and allows performing a real-time, unsupervised and blind detection, decomposition and tracking of the individual components in a frequency-degenerate, multi-harmonic spectrum, using a small number of input data which are unevenly sampled in the spatial domain. This makes it possible to follow in real-time the detected modes as the plasma background evolves, and measure in real-time their frequency, damping rate, toroidal mode-number and relative amplitude. The successful implementation of this system opens a clear path towards developing real-time control tools for electro-magnetic instabilities in future fusion devices aimed at achieving a net energy gain, such as ITER [J.Wesson, Tokamaks,3
1) Introduction.The problem of blind and unsupervised real-time detection of the different components in a multiharmonics spectrum using a small number of input data which are un-evenly sampled in the spatial domain is now becoming one of the main aspects required for machine protection and the control of plasma discharges in thermonuclear fusion experiments, and a wealth of literature is available on this subject (for some examples see Chapter3 and Chapter7 and references therein in Ref. [1] and Chapter2 and references therein in Ref. [2]). The method routinely used for this analysis involves sampling of a (relatively) small set of magnetic and non-magnetic signals, often containing some spatial periodicities so as to enhance or eliminate detection of certain components when the input signals are processed appropriately. A real-time algorithm then runs, and a global alarm is generated which may trigger a feedback control mechanism under certain specified conditions. The main drawback of this method is that it can only detect modes when they have become unstable, i.e. when they may have already had some, possibly detrimental, effect on the plasma background parameters.Conversely, an innovative method has been employed for quite some time now on the JET tokamak [3], which combines active excitation of magnetic field perturbations with a very small amplitude at the plasma edge (maximum intensity max(|B DRIVEN |)~0.1G, i.e. 10 5 times smaller than the typical value of the toroidal magnetic field in JET, B TOR~( 1-3)T) with synchronous real-time detection of the driven perturbations. This is the so-called Alfvén Eigenmodes (AEs) Active Diagnostic (AEAD) system [4,5], of which the real-time Alfvén Eigenmodes Local Manager (AELM) constitutes one essential, moreover worldwide unique component. This diagnostic system allows the real-time detection and tracking of the driven modes, usually magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) Eigenmodes supported by the plasma, when still stable, i.e. when the modes have a positive damping >0, and have not yet caused any effect on the plas...