Extract disease (3). An increased incidence of lung (16) and liver disease (4,In an effort to characterize the hepatic abnormality in patients with a,-antitrypsin deficiency, three unrelated children with the disorder (Pi types Z Z and S Z ) , two heterozygous parents ( P i type MZ), and three normal subjects ( P i type M M ) were studied. As expected, the livers of the ZZ-and SZ-deficient subjects showed abnormal accumulation of a,-antitrypsin in the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum as judged by immunofluorescent and electron microscopic studies. Their parents ( M Z phenotype) demonstrated identical although less extensive hepatic abnormalities. Short term cultures of liver tissue in the presence of radiolabeled amino acids showed both synthesis and release of a,-antitrypsin in normal control subjects and in the patients with the Z protein.Radiolabeled intracellular a,-antitrypsin could not be found. These studies demonstrate synthesis of a,-antitrypsin by the livers of normal and genetically deficient subjects vitro, and suggest several possible mechanisms for a,-antitrypsin deficiency.5) may occur in persons with intermediate levels of a,-antitrypsin.Hepatocytes from patients with severe a,-antitrypsin deficiency contain abundant a,-antitrypsin protein (23), and it has been postulated that the low serum level in these subjects is associated with a failure of release of the protein from hepatic ribosomes. Although the liver is thought to be the only site of synthesis of this protein (23), no studies in vitro of a,-antitrypsin synthesis have been reported.The present investigation was undertaken to examine the synthesis of a,-antitrypsin and its release from the liver in patients with Z Z and S Z deficiency, the M Z phenotype, and in normal subjects (Pi type MM).
MATERIALS AND METHODS a,-ANTITRYPSIN QUANTITATION A N D TYPINGThe concentration of a,-antitrypsin in serum was determined Speculation both by an automated nephelometric method (22) and by electroimmunoassay (17) using monospecific antiserum to a,-antitrypStudies in vitro of the synthesis and release of a,-antitrypsin, as sin obtained from Atlantic Antibodies (28). Genetic typing was shown in the present investigation, may reveal the molecular basis of performed by immunofixation with this antiserum after agarose this genetic disorder.gel electrophoresis at pH 8.6 (15). as well as crossed immunoelectrophoresis after starch gel electrophoresis at pH 4.95 (12).a,-Antitrypsin is a 50,000-dalton glycoprotein that accounts for about 90% of the total trypsin inhibitory capacity of normal human serum. It is also a major extracellular inhibitor of other proteolytic enrymes such as plasmin, elastase, collagenase, chymotrypsin, thrombin, and leukocyte proteases (18). Individuals homozygous for P i V h u s have 5 15% of the normal a,-antitrypsin level and heterozygotes for P i h n d PiS have about 30% of the normal concentration (10). An allele with no detectablc product (Pi-) has also been described (25) and the heterozygotes for this gene have serum ...