The paper provides studies on the structure of planted small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) in the conditions of the Bashkir Cis-Urals. This work aimed to analyze their assortment by diameters and compile appropriate tables. This is the first study of lime for this region. The results of the study are based on data from 69 temporary sample plots. Stands are represented by trees of 11–79 years old, not affected by thinning. They belong to the I–III growth classes and the most common goutweed forests.
It was found, that small-leaved limes have a specific structure—coefficient of diameter variation in stands decreases with a higher average diameter, reaching 26 and 16% at 28 cm with thin and dense initial planting, respectively. The variability of tree diameters is related to the average stand diameter and is due to the initial density of the grown plantations. Correlations between the coefficients of asymmetry and excess with age and the average diameter was revealed.
The verification of theoretically calculated frequencies of distribution series to empirically observed frequencies showed a discrepancy in 29 and 19% of the total number, respectively. For the remaining series of distributions, the scale and shape parameters of the Weibull function were modeled using the average, minimum and maximum diameters, standard deviation, coefficients of asymmetry and excess. This made it possible to develop stand tables for small-leaved limes depending on the average diameter.