Liver autopsy material from opioid addicts with viral hepatitis C and C+B showed hepatocyte dystrophy associated with lipid infiltration, hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue, and perivascular fibrosis. Alteration of hepatocytes were most pronounced in patients with hepatitis C+B. Ultrastructure of hepatocytes is characterized by a reduction of protein synthesizing compartment, an increase in volume density of smooth cytoplasmic reticulum, appearance of megamitochondria, and pronounced collagenization of the Disse space.
Key Words: viral hepatitis; opium addiction; liver autopsy; hepatocytes; light and electron microscopyInfection with hepatitis C and B can now be transferred via medical instruments, thus adding to natural ways of infection. Spreading of the infections in intravenous drug addicts plays a special role, since it significantly promotes virus passage and aggravates infectious process by inducing structural rearrangements in the liver. Numerous experimental and clinical studies analyze the effects of narcotics alone [1,9,11,12] or in combination with hepatitis [13-15] on animal and human liver. However, there are only few reports on combined action of opium and hepatitis viruses [10].Previously, we reported structural reactions of the liver induced by chronic hepatitis C and C+B [4,5]. Here we present the results of examination of liver autopsy material from intravenous opium addicts suffering from chronic hepatitis C and C+B.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe diagnosis was based on clinical, biochemical, and immunoserologic data. The following antigens and antibodies were revealed: HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBcIgM, anti-HBs, anti-HBe, total anti-HCV, antibodies to core-and NS-antigens of hepatitis C virus. All serum samples were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction for the presence of HVC RNA. Hepatitis C and C+B were verified in 16 and 13 patients, respectively.Liver samples (n=36) were obtained from 29 patients by transcutaneous puncture biopsy. Paraffin, semithin, and ultrathin sections were examined. For light microscopy the samples were fixed in 10% neutral formaldehyde and stained routinely [7].For electron microscopy the samples were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and treated as described previously [3]. Semithin sections were stained with azure II and Schiff reagent. Ultrathin sections were con-0007 -4888/99/0009-0963522.00 9Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers