The observation of biofilm formation is not a new phenomenon. The prevalence and significance of biofilm and aggregate formation in various processes have encouraged extensive research in this field for more than 40 years. In this review, we highlight techniques from different disciplines that have been used to successfully describe the extracellular, surface and intracellular elements that are predominant in understanding biofilm formation. To reduce the complexities involved in studying biofilms, researchers in the past have generally taken a parts-based, disciplinary specific approach to understand the different components of biofilms in isolation from one another. Recently, a few studies have looked into combining the different techniques to achieve a more holistic understanding of biofilms, yet this approach is still in its infancy. In order to attain a global understanding of the processes involved in the formation of biofilms and to formulate effective biofilm control strategies, researchers in the next decade should recognise that the study of biofilms, i.e. biofilmology, has evolved into a discipline in its own right and that mutual cooperation between the various disciplines towards a multidisciplinary research vision is vital in this field.