Type I interferons trigger diverse biological effects by binding a common receptor, composed of IFNAR1 and IFNAR2. Intriguingly, while the activation of an antiviral state is common to all cells, antiproliferative activity and apoptosis affect only part of the population, even when cells are stimulated with saturating interferon concentrations. Manipulating receptor expression by different small interfering RNA (siRNA) concentrations reduced the fraction of responsive cells independent of the interferon used, including a newly generated, extremely tight-binding variant. Reduced receptor numbers increased 50% effective concentrations (EC 50 s) for alpha interferon 2 (IFN-␣2) but not for the tight-binding variant. A correlation between receptor numbers, STAT activation, and gene induction is observed. Our data suggest that for a given cell, the response is binary (؉/؊) and dependent on the stochastic expression levels of the receptors on an individual cell. A low number of receptors suffices for antiviral response and is thus a robust feature common to all cells. Conversely, a high number of receptors is required for antiproliferative activity, which allows for fine-tuning on a single-cell level.Type I interferons (IFNs) form a class of cytokines capable of mediating antiviral, growth inhibitory, and immunoregulatory activities (10,36,46). Consisting of 18 members in humans (32), all IFNs induce their biological activities through binding to the same receptor complex, composed of the two transmembrane proteins IFNAR1 and IFNAR2 (1). Upon formation of the ternary complex, the interferon signal is transduced through receptor-associated Janus kinases (JAK), which activate the signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) proteins. These, in turn, form homo-and heterodimers that translocate to the nucleus to promote the expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) (45).Despite their common biological activities and sequence homologies, type I IFNs are not redundant but rather induce their activities differentially (9, 41). These differences take effect in various ways, most notably in the antiviral (AV) and antiproliferative (AP) potencies of interferon subtypes (16,33) and in their abilities to induce different gene expression patterns (11,14,38,48). The AP activities of IFNs are a result of both apoptosis and cell cycle arrest (17,20,40). A profound example for differential activity is the substantially higher AP response induced by beta interferon (IFN-) than by 14,21,41). However, it should be noted that most of the differences between IFN-␣2 and IFN- are quantitative and not qualitative; thus, higher IFN-␣2 concentrations mimic most IFN- activities.IFNAR1 and IFNAR2 receptor subunits make distinct contributions to interferon binding, as IFNAR1 binds IFN-␣ with micromolar affinities, while the IFNAR2 subunit binds at nanomolar affinities (6). Nevertheless, the activation of both receptors is necessary to induce the interferon signal (3, 23).Mutagenesis studies have shown that the binding sites f...