ABSTRACT-We developed a procedure for serial measurement of fluorescent de rivatives of eicosanoids in biological samples by HPLC. The 9-anthryldiazomethane (ADAM)-derivatized sample was first fractionated through SEP-PAK silica into frac tion 1 (eluate of chloroform: toluene) and fraction 2 (eluate of acetonitrile:methanol). Both fractions were loaded separately onto an ODS column, and eluted with a step gradient of 85% and 95% acetonitrile for Fr-1 (HETE's and arachidonic acid) and with 70% acetonitrile for Fr-2 (PG's and LTB4). The method was applied to the arachidonate products of rat peritoneal leukocytes which were stimulated with A23187. The polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL), which were collected after stimulation with casein, released mainly LTB4, 5-HETE, 6-K-PGF1 a , but little arachi donic acid. In contrast to PMNL, rat macrophages, which were collected after peri toneal injection of soluble starch and bacto peptone, released 5-HETE, arachidonic acid, and 6-K-PGFia., but no LTB4. These differences might be partly caused by the differential rates of uptake or turnover of arachidonic acid into their membrane phos pholipids.When rat pleurisy was induced by car rageenin (1) or zymosan (2), we observed that PMNL appeared at the inflammatory site ini tially, followed by migration of mono cytes/macrophages to the site. To detemine the roles of leukocytes in the inflammatory reaction, the active products of these leuko cytes, including the arachidonate metabolites, should be assessed. However, these arachidon ate metabolites have a marked variety of bio logical activities including some conflicting ac tions. For example, it is well-known that PGI2 inhibits platelet aggregation (3), and TXA2 in duces platelet aggregation (4). Therefore it is necessary to analyze all the arachidonate metabolites and arachidonic acid (AA) in biological samples. Previously we developed a method for the serial measurement of prosta glandins (PG's) and leukotriene (LT) B4 by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a fluorescent derivatizing agent, 9-anthryldiazomethane (ADAM) (5 8). By this method, PG's and LTB4 released from casein-induced rat peritoneal leukocytes were assayed (8). In the present study, we devised a procedure for measuring hydroxyeicosatetra enoic acids (HETE's) and AA together with the previously reported ADAM derivatives of PG's and applied it to biological samples from rat peritoneal leukocytes.