Isozymic alteration of serum cholinesterase (ChE) was investigated in patients with chronic liver diseases using affinity electrophoresis with concanavalin A (Con A) or wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). On Con A-containing agarose gel electrophoresis, three bands with enzyme activity (named bands I to III, from the anodic side to the cathodic) were observed in sera of normal controls. Disappearance of band II was observed in 50% (15/30) of cirrhotic patients, but only one of 20 patients with chronic hepatitis lacked band II of the serum ChE isozymes. Meanwhile, WGA-containing agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that normal controls had four ChE isozymes (named bands I to IV from the anodic side to the cathodic). These four isozymes were also observed in patients with chronic hepatitis. However approximately 67% (20/30) of cirrhotic patients lacked band II of ChE isozymes. When these two affinity electrophoreses were used in combination, 22 (73%) of 30 cirrhotic patients had isozymic alteration of their serum ChE on either Con A-containing or WGA-containing agarose gel electrophoresis, or both. Thus, affinity electrophoreses with Con A and WGA seemed to be useful methods in differentiating liver cirrhosis from chronic hepatitis.