Recurrent malaria infection is a major phenomenon in a hightransmission zone with deplorable health and socioeconomic consequences on individuals and the public. However, the association between parasitaemia, repeated episodes of the infection, and its socioeconomic impact is less studied. Therefore, this study aimed at bridging this research gap by conducting an epidemiological survey in selected malaria-endemic settings of Kwara state, Nigeria.
High prevalence and intensity of infection were observed, 56.6% of 572 study participants were infected with average parasitaemia of 3022.25 ± 1001.51 per µl of blood and the majority of heavy infection was due to Plasmodium falciparum. The heavily asymptomatic infected participants were among the younger age group particularly ≤ 20 years, and infection decreases with increasing age. Parasitaemia and the number of episodes of malaria attacks were positively correlated (R2 = 0.2388, p < 0.0001). Highrecurrent malaria was associated with male (p = 0.001), younger age (p = 0.0012), low-income status (p = 0.0004), bush around habitation (0.0014), and unavoidability of preventive strategies and treatment (p < 0.0001) of malaria. Our study further revealed socioeconomic factors as cause and/or consequence of recurrent malaria infection. Low income individuals (aOR 1.948 95%CI 0.945–2.512) and illiterates (aOR 1.920 95%CI 1.470–2.149), those living close to bush (aOR 2.501 95%CI 2.033–3.714) and dumpsite (aOR 2.718 95%CI 1.661–3.118) are at least twice likely to have recurrent infection. The socioeconomic consequence of recurrent malaria episodes includes reduced economic activities, personal savings, and change of lifestyle in adults, while infected children suffered declined academic performance and sports activities.
This study underscores high malaria intensity as a prevalent health problem in our study location and demonstrates a positive correlation between malaria episodes and parasitaemia which can be explored in the clinic for the screening of suitable antimalarial drugs that cure beyond a single infection. Our finding also advocates for mass distribution of insecticide-treated nets, provision of socio-infrastructural amenities such as medical centers, good drainage system and highly subsidized malaria treatment in endemic endemic rural communities