The chronic exposure to Aluminum (Al) may compromise different liver functions, mainly during the hepatic regeneration. The aim of this study is to investigate the interactions between the chronic i.p. exposure to Al and hepatic regeneration (HR) on bile flow and organic anion transport in experimental animals. For this purpose, we studied bile flow and fractional transfer rates for the transport of hepatic organic anions (hepatic uptake, sinusoidal efflux, and canalicular excretion), as well as parameters related with the oxidative stress (OS), on rats chronically treated with Al at 0 and 2 days of HR. The Al treatment and time of HR caused a decrease in the biliary flow and in the hepatic uptake and canalicular excretion constants. In addition, Al and HR increased the lipoperoxidation associated with a reduction of the glutathione content and glutathione peroxidase and catalase enzyme's activities. Since the effects of Al and HR on biliary flow and transport systems were additive, but not on the oxidative status, different mechanisms might be involved on these alterations. Even though the OS may play a key role on the hepatic deleterious effects, there is no unique cause-effect relationship between OS and liver dysfunction in this experimental animal model.