“…In addition, network analysis reported that CM was associated with F I G U R E 3 Group difference in FC of right IPL between CM and non-CM groups (voxel level p < .005, cluster level p < .05, GRF corrected). CM, childhood maltreatment; FC, functional connectivity; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; L, left; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; R, right; STG, superior temporal gyrus changed degree centrality in the insula, ACC, and occipital cortex (Teicher, Anderson, Ohashi, & Polcari, 2014), and decreased nodal clustering coefficient in the STG and middle occipital gyrus during behavioral inhibition (Kim, Kim, Shim, Im, & Lee, 2018). Therefore, our finding of changed ToM connectomes implied that CM experience disrupted the function of ToM network, thus resulting in maladjusted ToM abilities which are commonly seen in maltreatment persons.…”