MYC is an oncogene involved in cell cycle regulation, cell growth arrest, cell adhesion, metabolism, ribosome biogenesis, protein synthesis, and mitochondrial function. It has been described as a key element of several carcinogenesis processes in humans. Many studies have shown an association between MYC deregulation and gastric cancer. MYC deregulation is also seen in gastric preneoplastic lesions and thus it may have a role in early gastric carcinogenesis. Several studies have suggested that amplification is the main mechanism of MYC deregulation in gastric cancer.In the present review, we focus on the deregulation of the MYC oncogene in gastric adenocarcinoma c a r c i n o g e n e s i s , i n c l u d i n g i t s a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h Helicobacter pylori (H pylori )
MYC AND CANCERMYC gene was found to be the cellular homolog of retroviral v-myc oncogene about 30 years ago [12][13][14] . It is located on chromosomal region 8q24.1, has 3 exons [15,16] and encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein [17] . MYC has to heteromerize with MAX, a protein expressed constitutively, to acquire DNA-binding activity. MYC/MAX dimmers are made viable by a basic region helix-loop-helix leucine-zipper motif (bHLHZip), conserved sequences in the carboxyl terminus of both proteins. MYC/MAX dimmers bind to E-box sequence CACGTG in the promoters of specific target genes and stimulate their transcription [18] . MYC has an effect on up to about 15% of genes in genomes of many organisms, from flies to humans [19] . Groups of genes involved in cell cycle regulation, metabolism, ribosome biogenesis, protein synthesis, and mitochondrial function are over-represented in the Myc target gene network.MYC also consistently represses genes involved in cell growth arrest and cell adhesion [20] . Dominguez-Sola et al [21] recently showed that Myc interacts with the prereplicative complex and localizes to early sites of DNA synthesis. Thus, it also has a direct role in the control of DNA replication.MYC regulates transcription from its targets through several mechanisms, including recruitment of histone acetylases, chromatin modulating proteins, basal transcription factors and DNA methyltransferase [22][23][24][25][26] . Protein products of MYC target genes g o on to mediate the downstream effects of MYC on cell biology. MYC is then rapidly degraded, and the pathway switches to a transcriptionally repressive state when MAX dimerizes with a group of related bHLH-Zip proteins, the MAD family, that act as MYC antagonists [27] ( Figure 1).MYC expression might be regulated transcriptionally (initiation and elongation), post-transcriptionally (mRNA stability and translation) or post-translationally (protein stability) [28] . MYC is generally recognized as an important regulator of proliferation, growth, differentiation and apoptosis [29,30] . Therefore, it is also accepted that the deregulation of MYC expression is a major event in cancer pathogenesis or progression. Deregulated expression of a wild-type MYC protein is suff...