-Recent experimental and theoretical results have stressed the importance of modeling studies of reentrant arrhythmias in cardiac tissue and at the whole heart level. We introduce a sixvariable model obtained by a reformulation of the PriebeBeuckelmann model of a single human ventricular cell. The reformulated model is 4.9 times faster for numerical computations and it is more stable than the original model. It retains the action potential shape at various frequencies, restitution of action potential duration, and restitution of conduction velocity. We were able to reproduce the main properties of epicardial, endocardial, and M cells by modifying selected ionic currents. We performed a simulation study of spiral wave behavior in a two-dimensional sheet of human ventricular tissue and showed that spiral waves have a frequency of 3.3 Hz and a linear core of ϳ50-mm diameter that rotates with an average frequency of 0.62 rad/s. Simulation results agreed with experimental data. In conclusion, the proposed model is suitable for efficient and accurate studies of reentrant phenomena in human ventricular tissue. action potential; computer simulation; mathematical model; reentrant arrhythmia; spiral wave THE HISTORY of modeling biological excitable media such as nerve and heart tissue started 50 years ago with the Hodgkin-Huxley model of the giant squid axon (19). The first model of cardiac tissue (Purkinje fibers) was proposed by Noble in 1962 (30) and consisted of four variables. During the following decades, the experimental techniques for studying the properties of the cell membrane were improved continuously, leading to new cardiac tissue models of increasing accuracy, e.g., the phase- The Priebe-Beuckelmann (PB) model is based on the phase-2 LR model. However, five major ionic currents, including the fast (I Kr ) and slow (I Ks ) components of the delayed rectifier K ϩ current, the L-type Ca 2ϩ current (I Ca ), the transient outward K ϩ current (I to ), and the inward rectifier K ϩ current (I K1 ), are based on experimental data obtained on human myocytes. In addition, parameters of the intracellular Ca 2ϩ concentration ([Ca 2ϩ ] i ) handling were changed in such a way that simulated transients are comparable to observed experimental data on human myocytes (4). The remaining currents have been adjusted from the LR model, with their amplitude scaled to fit human cell data.Priebe and Beuckelmann developed their model to compare the electrophysiological properties of failing and nonfailing ventricular myocytes. It can be used for accurate simulations of the ionic currents and concentrations in a single cell during electrical activity. Our objective, however, is to simulate reentrant sources of arrhythmias in two (2-D) and three dimensions (3-D), which are believed to underlie most ventricular tachycardias and ventricular fibrillation (18,21,43). Although the PB model is based on experimental measurements in human heart tissue, we refrained from using it for the study of reentrant arrhythmias for several reasons. F...