One of the most promising components of Ukraine's renewable energy is bioenergy. It is based on the use of biomass, which is the raw material for the production of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. Biomass includes agricultural waste and residues, wood waste in the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, energy crops, organic part of industrial and household waste. Ukraine possesses large areas of land resources, has favorable soil and climatic conditions and developed agriculture, so it can successfully develop bioenergy based on plant biomass. It is most advisable to convert crop waste to biogas, which will allow agricultural enterprises to obtain an additional source of energy and ensure the production of high quality organic fertilizers. In addition, biogas production is environmentally friendly because it does not cause additional remission of greenhouse gas and reduces the amount of organic waste. Biogas is easy to use for energy purposes, finds use in decentralized block heat plants for electricity and heat, can be fed into an existing gas transmission network and used as motor fuel for cars. This article presents a methodology for determining the amount of biogas and analytical studies of methane formation in a household biogas plant from crop waste, including corn stalks, grass, grape leaves, sugar beet leaves, cereal straw, red clover hay, straw. The analysis of the results of analytical studies shows that the most biogas is produced from grasses, cereals and corn.