Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative joint disease that is characterized by articular cartilage loss, synovial inflammation and structural changes in the subchondral bone. 1 This type of derangement and destruction of joint integrity in OA occurs in the knee and hip in humans and shows clinical symptoms, such as joint pain, dysfunction, stiffness, activity limitations and physical disability. 2 Primary hip osteoarthritis (HOA) is defined as degeneration of the tissues of the hip joint, including hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, bone, and synovium. 3 According to the literature, HOA is virtually absent in Black Africans and is consistently rare in non-European populations but occurs at a rate of 3% to 6% in populations with European ancestry. 4 In addition to the interplay of obesity, joint injury, excessive occupational joint load, and sports activity, which represent environmental factors in patients, HOA is indicated to be a genetic disease with a 50% heritability caused